
HAL S3000 – Wireless and Tetherless, Prehospital and Nursing Care Patient Simulator


Tetherless technology allows the communications, compressor, and power supply to be inside HAL®, eliminating external tubes, wires, and compressors. HAL® operates continuously during transport and training can occur in the working environment. Rush HAL® from the accident scene to the ER, to the ICU, while care providers diagnose and treat his condition using real monitoring and resuscitation equipment. Control HAL® at distances up to 900 Ft. (300 m) and between rooms and floors of conventional buildings. HAL® smoothly transitions between physiologic states in response to commands from a wireless PC.

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HAL® S3000 Features


  • Oral or nasal intubation: ETT, LMA, King LT
  • Programmable difficult airway: Laryngospasm, pharyngeal swelling, tongue edema
  • Sensors detect depth of intubation
  • Surgical airway: tracheostomy or needle cricothyrotomy
  • Unilateral chest rise with right mainstem intubation
  • Multiple upper airway sounds
  • Breathing
  • Control rate and depth of respiration and observe spontaneous breathing
  • Ventilation is measured and logged
  • Gastric distension with excess BVM ventilation
  • Select independent left, right, upper, and lower lung sounds
  • Accommodates assisted ventilation including BVM and mechanical support
  • Tension pneumothorax and bilateral needle decompression sites
  • Bilateral chest tube sites at 5th intercostal space
  • Optional Real EtCO2
  • Neurologic
  • Active Eyes; programmable blink rate, pupil size, and pupil reaction
  • Severe or mild seizures
  • Preprogrammed speech responses
  • Cardiac/Circulation
  • Normal and abnormal heart sounds, rates, and intensities
  • ECG monitoring using real devices
  • eCPR sensors; Chest compressions are measured and logged
  • Bilateral IV sites
  • Measurable blood pressure with audible Korotkoff sounds
  • Visible cyanosis
  • Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial, femoral, popliteal, and pedal pulses
  • Other
  • Bowel sounds 4 quadrants
  • Male/Female catheterizationPackage Includes
  • Interchangeable battery
  • 100-240 VAC battery charger
  • Blood pressure cuff
  • Surgical trachea kit
  • Pneumothorax decompression sites
  • User guides
  • Software license
  • Preprogrammed scenarios
  • Wireless tablet PC

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S3000 HAL Wireless and Tetherless Prehospital Patient Simulator