The components of the muscle figure are:
2-Part head
Brain half
Sternocleidomastoideus muscle
6-Part muscle arm (detachable: deltoid muscle, biceps muscle of arm, triceps muscle of arm, long palmar muscle with radial flexor muscle of wrist, brachioradial muscle with radial extensor muscle of wrist)
5-Part upper leg (detachable: sartorius muscle, gluteus maximus muscle, rectus femoris muscle, long head of biceps femoris muscle with semitendinous muscle)
2-Part lower leg (detachable: gastrocnemius muscle)
Chest/abdominal wall with detachable mammary gland
Torso body with skin arm and leg
2 lung halves
2-Part heart
Liver with gall bladder
2-Part stomach
Half kidney
4-Part intestine set
3-Part female genital insert with embryo
4-Part male genital insert
The muscle figure includes the ANATOMYtrainerTM and MUSCLEtrainerTM study programs on CD-ROM and a CD-ROM with illustrations and descriptions of the individual structures in L/G/E/F/S/P/J. Muscle figure supplied with wooden roller base and assembly instructions.
Weight 29 kg
Dimensions 174 cm
Item No. 1000208