The following Parts are removable from the human anatomy model:
2-Part head
Brain half
M. sternocleido stoideus
M. Deltoideus
M. Biceps brachii
M. Triceps brachii
M. Palmaris longus with m. Felxior carpi radialis
M. Brachioradialis with m. Extensor carpi radialis
Skin of the left arm
Muscled leg, upper part
Muscle leg, lower part
Skin of the left leg
Abdominal cover
Mammary gland
2 removable lungs
2-Part removable heart
Removable Liver
2-Part removable stomach
Removable kidney half
4-Part removable intestines
3-Part female genital insert with embryo
4-Part male genital
M. Satorius
M. Gluteus maximus
M. Rectus femoris
M. Gastrocnemius
M. Biceps femoris cap. L. with m. semitendinosus
Weight 34 kg
Dimensions 174 cm
Item No. 1000209